Entries by Lopera India

L’Opera Of Aromas – A Travellers’ Wish List

It’s an opera of French flavours, aromas, ingredients that L’Opera sings at its production centre in Noida. And the music reaches the audience at its many outlets in Delhi-NCR. Sitting at its sunny, green outlet in Epicuria, Nehru Place, Delhi, trying to choose between the cookies, jams, pastries, the French breads, the sandwiches is a […]

Cutting The Wedding Cupcake

For years, the wedding cake has been a staple part of wedding traditions. But today’s weddings are more innovative and thoughtful. Cupcakes are one such trend which has caught on very quickly. Cupcakes are great for a few reasons. First, they tend to be less expensive than a traditional wedding cake, and second, cupcakes are much easier to serve. But the most interesting part is that each piece of cupcake can be customized. Maybe a wedding ring cupcake for the Bride and Groom and flowery cupcakes for the bridesmaid, the possibilities are endless.